May 27, 2022

This field next to the North Omaha power plant caught my eye. The juxtapositions with the stands and the power infrastructure is a fun juxtaposition, I think. And the seat colors are lovely. The second photo here was initially the one I thought was stronger, but now I’m leaning toward the first due to the colors and leading lines.

Seating stands near a ball field with a power transformer in the distance.
Omaha, NE. May 27, 2022.
Seating stands next to a ballfield with a powerplant looming a half mile away.
Omaha, NE. May 27, 2022.

3 thoughts on “May 27, 2022

  1. really striking juxtaposition of where people play and the backdrop of human over development… signs of life in the looming unraveling…

  2. Shawn, Sometimes, you open the screen and are just blown away by what is seen. That was my reaction to the photo in which the seating stands run parallel to the right and left sides of the image. And the fact that the layout of the seats is off set. And the colors. This is an award winner. The other image is powerful but not as intense as the first. Right on. Dan


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